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Next Idea to Research

An initiative inspiring student-led scientific research and original discoveries.

Why Next Idea to Research

Achieve Scholarly Research Results
Students are guided to follow the methods and standards of professional researchers, leading to independent academic accomplishments and the discovery of new insights through practical experience.

Craft a Distinctive Application Edge
By incorporating specialized research experiences and significant findings into their application portfolios, students can demonstrate a strong passion and capability for scientific inquiry.

Enhance Subject-Specific Knowledge
Through literature review, students are motivated to explore academic frontiers beyond the classroom, enriching their understanding in the chosen field and taking their subject-specific knowledge to a higher level.

Step-by-Step Guidance

Our program breaks down the academic research process into manageable steps, guiding students from formulating research questions and reviewing literature to selecting research methods and writing their papers. This structured approach allows students to follow a clear path to academic discovery.

Research Selection

Acknowledging the limitations of research resources available to high school students,  we encourage students to choose topics that match their access to tools. We prioritize a rigorous research process over the need for advanced equipment, focusing on the quality of the methodology.

Adherence to Scientific Research Methods

The entire research process adheres to the methodologies of professional scientific research. By engaging in this program, students gain insight into how real-world scientific research is conducted, fostering their development of research skills and understanding.

Research Papers

Students are guided to write their research findings in a professional format that meets the submission requirements of academic journals. Next Idea to Research provides instruction on paper structure and formatting, equipping students with the knowledge to produce publishable work.


Next Idea



What Will Students Do

Define Project Topic

Formulate Hypotheses


Design the Research


Collect Data

Analyze Data

Draw Conclusions

Select a topic that matches their access to research resources.

Conduct a literature review on research questions and propose unique research hypotheses.

Develop a research plan, including the approach, procedure, and methods for data collection.

Implement the research according to the design to collect data.

Process and analyze the collected data.

Validate research hypotheses and summarize findings based on the research results.

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